What can I put on my dogs raw irritated skin

If your dog’s irritated skin has become raw, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible to find out the cause and get a proper diagnosis. Depending on the underlying cause, treatment may include different medications, topical ointments, or a change in diet.

In the meantime, however, you can help soothe your pet’s irritated skin while they are awaiting medical care. Some of these natural remedies have been used for centuries to treat skin issues in both humans and animals:

* Coconut oil: apply topically to provide relief for dry skin, discourage bacterial growth and reduce itching.

* Apple cider vinegar (ACV): mix ACV with equal parts water and apply directly onto the affected area(s) using a cotton ball. This will act as an astringent to help cleanse and promote healing without being too harsh for your pet's delicate skin.

* Aloe vera: create a paste using equal parts aloe vera gel and water then apply this over any raw areas. Aloe is known for its soothing properties that can help relieve inflammation and ease pain caused by itching or scratching excessively.

* Oatmeal baths: use colloidal oatmeal (ground oats) mixed with warm water and bathe your dog in it once or twice a week. Oats are very gentle on your pet's skin and can help soothe inflammation while promoting healing of any open wounds or lesions caused by scratching at their irritated areas of fur.


If your pet is suffering from raw, irritated skin, then you know how uncomfortable it can be. You want to do whatever you can to help make them healthy and comfortable again. However, this can be a tricky situation since most over-the-counter remedies weren't designed for use on animals. That's why it's important to understand the basics of taking care of raw, irritated skin on pets by using natural and home remedies that are safe and gentle.

Whether you're looking for ways to reduce serestocollars itching and discomfort or just simple skincare tips, there are plenty of options available. From eating diets rich in essential fatty acids to using home remedies like aloe vera gel, we have all the information you need!

What causes a dog to have irritated skin?

The first step towards finding a solution to your dog's irritated skin is discovering the cause. Unfortunately, there are many potential triggers for this irritating condition, including allergies, fleas and ticks, infections, dry or hot weather, poor grooming habits, and underlying skin conditions.

Allergies are a particularly common culprit when it comes to irritated skin in dogs. Allergic reactions can be caused by food that has been ingested or contact with pollen, dust mites, molds and other substances in their environment. Dogs can also be allergic to their own saliva! To pinpoint the source of the allergy responsible for your pup's weakened skin barrier, you may need to have them evaluated with an allergen test or specific diet trial.

Poor grooming habits may also play a role in causing a dog's irritated skin. Regular bathing is essential for removing dander from the fur and restoring moisture to the skin underneath. Failing to trim pet nails regularly can also lead to irritation as long nails press against their fur and skin when they walk. Not brushing your pup daily will leave behind mats which can trap bacteria and dead hair— both of which irritate the skin even more!

Overall it is important to get at root of what is causing your pup’s irritated skin before attempting any solutions so that you can find one that properly addresses the initial problem rather than just treating the symptoms

Potential solutions

When it comes to treating your dog's raw irritated skin, there are a few potential solutions. The first is to assess the affected area and determine if it's caused by an infection or an allergy; this will help you choose the best solution for treatement.

If allergies are causing the issue, then a potential solution is to switch your pet’s food because certain ingredients in food may be contributing to their reaction. Additionally, medications like anti-histamines can help reduce allergic reactions. If that fails, you can also consider using allergy shots as a more direct approach.

For infections that are causing irritations, an antibiotic is usually prescribed by a vet. To prevent future infections, keeping your pet's skin clean and groomed on a regular basis is important! Furthermore, certain topical ointments may also provide relief if needed.

Additionally, making sure your pet stays hydrated and receives the nutrition necessary are both important steps to take when dealing with any form of irritation or infection on their skin. Last but not least, provide as much comfort for them as possible during treatment!

iet changes

Changing your dog's diet is one of the best ways to improve your pup's irritated skin! When it comes to dogs and their skin, there are some elements of their diet that will make all the difference.

First and foremost, try switching your pup to a raw diet. A raw diet is filled with fresh meats, organs, bones and vegetables designed to provide the optimal balance of nutrition for your pup. It contains more nutrients from fewer ingredients compared to commercially-processed pet foods, which can end up containing harmful chemicals or allergens.

Another great option when improving your pup's irritated skin is adding omega-3 fatty acids into his or her diet. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflammation associated with skin conditions like atopic dermatitis. You can easily get omega-3s into your pup's diet by supplementing with fish oil pills or adding oily fish like salmon into their dinner routine.